Moving is living...

We don’t realize how much passion we put into what we don’t want. With these relapses, I asked myself, what is the universe trying to say? Took some time to reflect and realized it was my heart telling me it wasn't at the place my mind assumed it was…

So, I'm doing more work at consulting with my heart... about letting go and acceptance. While I was clearly still in love, it was clear that our personalities were clashing under the banner of our personal growth – growth that doesn't have a mutual goal anymore.

Redirecting back to my own dreams (which I'd managed to neglect in the past 2 years) has helped A LOT. I am a beautiful passionate being, I need to make sure I direct my passion wisely. So, I am making up for lost time - hence my energy dips, high voltage ambition and multi-project management. I'm going back to just doing it for me and not for proving a point anymore. Hence the reflection time.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, you never quite overcome (past relationships). Because that would mean it was all bad… Which it wasn't. So what we can do for ourselves, is to open up our hearts again and prepare to move on. Truly move on. ''Moving is living''!

There’s always a call, there’s always fear, there’s always reassurance, there’s always a decision, there’s always a changed life. My best is suited for a different good.


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