Password: Cannibus

What are the chances... My first time in Amsterdam, I get lost into a coffee shop and come out smelling like smoke.
It was kinda strange walking into a coffee shop, looking for coffee and Wifi and get asked for my ID. Hee hee. As I sat down, I saw on my right, a group of guys sitting around a table with not coffee, but bottles of water and various forms of substances. There was a lot of laughing. Duuuuuuuuuude! Reminded me of the movies Half Baked and Friday. Ironically, the sign on the wall said: 'Don’t do it. Just say NO'.

Turns out there’s a difference between a Coffee House and a Coffee Shop. The coffee shops come standard with 'hash brownies' and a cloud of smoke. I got to go online for free though. Password is 'Cannibus' according to the waitress. Chances are the person who came up with that was stoned – it’s spelt wrong! 

Interesting times. More on the journey around Netherlands later.


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