Hair piece
Just spotted this inspiring blog about black kinky hair. Such beauty, creativity and oh my gosh, beautiful k****r hare!
Flashback: A memoir I read by bell hooks called Bone Black: Memories of Childhood, where she talks about her childhood recollections of socio-politics of black hair and society. In another book, Happy to Be Nappy, she celebrates black beauty: "soft like cotton, / flower petal billowy soft, full of frizz and fuzz." <3 hooks! I remember growing my afro from then - and never looking back!
Soundtrack: Donnie - Cloud 9 "Happy to be nappy, I'm black and I'm proud/That I have been chosen to wear the conscious cloud/And I'm fine under cloud 9."
Let's share stories about kinky hair (even the type that you find at the Kinky hair shops, lol!).
Flashback: A memoir I read by bell hooks called Bone Black: Memories of Childhood, where she talks about her childhood recollections of socio-politics of black hair and society. In another book, Happy to Be Nappy, she celebrates black beauty: "soft like cotton, / flower petal billowy soft, full of frizz and fuzz." <3 hooks! I remember growing my afro from then - and never looking back!
Soundtrack: Donnie - Cloud 9 "Happy to be nappy, I'm black and I'm proud/That I have been chosen to wear the conscious cloud/And I'm fine under cloud 9."
Let's share stories about kinky hair (even the type that you find at the Kinky hair shops, lol!).